Our Accomplishments
- The CCCLW has brought together broad-based organizational members representing medical and public health laboratory professionals, educators, industry, and laboratory accreditation/certification/governmental agencies to develop strategies to on the workforce shortage.
- Partnered with Abbott for the Labs are Vital program. CCCLW has continued to have a close working relationship with the program initiatives and has facilitated the Labs and Lives Spotlight on Laboratory Professionals.
- Reviewed and compiled state laboratory workforce initiatives to use as models.
- Strengthened our collective understanding of the issues impacting the workforce shortage and raised the visibility of these activities within the individual organizations.
- Collaborated with Labs Are Vital to initially establish the content for www.Labsciencecareers.com
- Worked with governmental agencies to educate and raise the visibility of the laboratory workforce shortage and provided input on current governmental documents.
- Engaged industry partners in workforce issues.
- Addressed workforce issues by partnering with the Health Professions Network (HPN; https://hpnonline.org/).
- Advocated for educational programs by responding to potential closures and presenting information regarding the criticality of the laboratory workforce shortage.
- Initiated industry scholarships with Dade/Siemens that have benefited nearly 700 students. $125,000 is currently awarded annually through the Siemens-ASCP program.
- Developed and maintained a CCCLW Website that included workforce data, recruitment tools, and articles about the workforce shortage and potential solutions.
- Created an overall awareness of workforce issues, with clinical laboratory educators, managers, and healthcare practitioners through networking, providing presentations at societal meetings, and publishing articles in organizational newsletters and journals.
- Promoted the laboratory professions to other healthcare professionals and the general public through consistent messages and strategies for dissemination.
- Created recruitment posters for use at national meeting exhibits.
- Developed a recruitment toolkit and provides access to each member recruitment tools.
Testing.com (formally Lab Tests on Line) is an award-winning health information web resource designed to help patients and healthcare professionals
understand the many lab tests that are a vital part of medical care. Since its launch in 2001, It has helped millions of users to learn about their tests and navigate this confusing landscape by providing non-biased and thorough explanations of tests available, as well as reviews on emerging testing brands.
Testing.com (formally Lab Tests on Line) is an award-winning health information web resource designed to help patients and healthcare professionals
understand the many lab tests that are a vital part of medical care. Since its launch in 2001, It has helped millions of users to learn about their tests and navigate this confusing landscape by providing non-biased and thorough explanations of tests available, as well as reviews on emerging testing brands.